312.543.6460 info@mlmontague.com
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One of my more provocative questions to clients is: “Are you running towards, not away?” Encouraging individuals to embrace new opportunities with enthusiasm, passion, and the certainty that it’s the right time to make a change is important. It’s about moving forward positively, not fleeing from a situation that no longer serves you.

When working with new clients, I occasionally sense they’re not prepared for their next career move due to unresolved baggage they bring with them. Anger, victim mentality, and lack of self-reflection hinder progress. Taking responsibility for one’s own role in their current situation is key to moving forward successfully.

Remember, victims make poor employees, and dissatisfaction at work hinders productivity. Attitude is crucial, as entering a room negatively impacts the tone of the meeting. Embrace change with openness and self-awareness for a successful career transition.

A key to professional growth is understanding the root of dissatisfaction in your current role. Rather than seeking quick fixes, addressing underlying issues is essential to long-term success. Carrying unresolved concerns into a new role can hinder your growth.

During initial client interactions, I focus on listening to their narrative which can provide valuable insight into their readiness for change and best determine if it’s the best time for us to work together. As they tell me their story…

  • Do I sense they are ready to do the work necessary to get that next executive role?

  • Will they get out of their own way and do the work?

  • Are they still spinning about being let go?

  • Do they carry a chip on their shoulder about the board chair who asks them tough questions?

  • Are they angry toward the “boss” who made their life miserable?

  • Are they seething at a colleague who they perceive as “out to get them”?

Taking the time to address these fundamental questions can pave the way for a more fulfilling career journey.

As a strategic advisor to executives seeking their next C-suite role, transparency is key. In our initial discussions, I make it clear that my role is not that of a therapist or life coach and that it is vital to prioritize your mental well-being.

Only when you are in a good head space will you be able to knock that interview out of the park and tell your stories with intention and enthusiasm. Don’t run AWAY. Always run TOWARDS!

As your strategic advisor my mission is to help ensure you’re prepared for interview success—whether it takes place around a traditional boardroom table or via videoconference. Through The Montague Method, I’ll share my Secrets from a Search Consultant to help you land your first or next C-suite position. Explore the rest of my website to learn more and schedule a complementary 20-minute exploratory consultation.

