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As an executive search consultant for 30 years and now as an executive career advisor, I’ve gained many insights—my Secrets from a Search Consultant™—into the big and small details that can make a difference for the senior executive looking to make a professional move. Some of the simplest lessons that stick with me, though, I learned from my dad.

My father emphasized to his 5 daughters several key components to success:
“a firm handshake, polished shoes, clean fingernails—and look ’em in the eyes.”

It’s a mantra I carry on today, and gladly impart his lessons:

1. THE HANDSHAKE. Have you ever been complimented on your handshake? Have you ever had an awkward handshake? Both leave an impression. You want it to be the right one. Regardless of your gender, make your handshake full-handed and firm, but not forceful. If you’re acknowledging several people in the room, be sure to shake everyone’s hand the same way. Be intent when you shake someone’s hand—it is a first and lasting impression.

2. EYE CONTACT. As you shake someone’s hand, look them in the eyes easily. This conveys a sense of sincere interest and assurance. Shifty eyes or lack of eye contact come across cagey. And worst: don’t be that person who looks around for what might be a better contact while shaking a hand.

3. CLEAN FINGERNAILS. Regardless of your gender, show up with neatly groomed fingernails. I’ve interviewed candidates who look great on paper and present well over the phone, show up to the interview ‘spit and polished’, but when they place their hands on the conference table, it looks like they didn’t bathe. Details matter—on the job and for your appearance.

4. POLISHED SHOES. When I moved to DC for my first job, Dad gave me an old shoe box with a rubber band around it. Inside were multiple colors of shoe polish, a soft brush with a wooden handle, a polishing cloth, and a few other shoeshine essentials. This shoeshine kit was yet another lesson on the importance of first impressions.

My Dad’s ‘polished shoe’ lesson came flooding back to me during an interview with a woman hoping for a senior sales position at a market research firm. As she crossed the reception area, I noticed her shoes were in terrible condition, including heels worn from what appeared to be shuffling. Before the interview ever started, I knew she wouldn’t be a good fit for the role (and regretted the lost time I spent with her!).

My questions to myself included:

• If she didn’t pick up her feet when she walked, was she lazy?
• Did she walk with purpose and intent or did she ‘shuffle’ between meetings and sales appointments?
• Did she have the successful executive ‘get up and go’?
• What impression would she give the team she led?
• What would her clients think?

All questions silently asked and glaringly answered just by one look at her shoes.

I will share more on these and other secrets in our consulting sessions. As your strategic advisor my mission is to get you ready for the interviews that will land your first or next C-suite position. Through The Montague Method, I share my Secrets from a Search Consultant™, including tips for making the right first impression. Explore my website to learn more and schedule a complementary 20-minute exploratory consultation.
