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When a C-suite executive is looking to make a professional move, connecting with a strategic network is essential. One way to cultivate such connections is through networking coffee chats. Following is the 1st in a 2-part series where I share Secrets from a Search Consultant™ for making a networking coffee work for you. These are no-nonsense, practical insights I’ve gained over the past 30 years as an executive search consultant and now sharing as a strategic advisor to leaders in pursuit of their next right position.

In Part 1 below, we focus on preparation and planning for the networking coffee. In Part 2, we’ll focus on the coffee chat itself and follow-up.

Here, I give you a sneak peek into 5 ‘secrets’ to plan and prepare to make a networking coffee work for you:

1. COFFEE MATE. Let’s start by making sure your coffee invitation is a good fit. Whether networking with a personal or professional contact, the best person to network with is someone who knows you deliver or someone you previously helped shine. They will not hesitate to refer you even without needing many details about why.

2. LOCATION. Don’t meet somewhere either of you will likely know many people. Running into acquaintances could quickly highjack this valuable one-on-one time and detract from your networking goals. You want this time to be your time with them. Coffee shops can be too frenetic and might increase the likelihood of chance run-ins. A better approach is to ask if you can bring their favorite coffee drink to them. Specifically, ask to meet at their office but in a conference room or perhaps near their home, but always away from their desk to further minimize distractions.

3. CLEAR INVITATION. Tell them up front the specific topics you’d like to discuss so they feel prepared for the conversation and are not caught off guard. Mention your interest in their ‘words of wisdom’; be genuine in your praise of their expertise and tell them why you value their input.

4. TIME. Be specific that you only need 40 minutes and make sure you honor that time. Also, arrive early to be on time. They can be late, but you may not.

5. HOMEWORK. (Most important!) Do your homework on the person you are meeting. Be VERY specific regarding what you would like them to do on your behalf. Review their LinkedIn contacts; pick 3 people whom you’d like an introduction to and tell them why.

I will share more on these and other secrets in our consulting sessions. As your strategic advisor my mission is to get you ready for the interviews that will land your first or next C-suite position. Through The Montague Method, I’ll share my Secrets from a Search Consultant™. Explore the rest of my website to learn more and schedule a complimentary 20-minute exploratory consultation.  Stay tuned for Part 2:  The Coffee Chat and Follow-Up!
